"In the essence of Foucault": archeology and political engagement


  • Daniela Lima Universidade Federal Fluminense




Foucault, Archeology, Knowledge, Politics, Engagement


In 1969 Michel Foucault (1926-1984) became head of the philosophy department of the University of Vincennes and published Archéologie du Savoir. An intense year, in which Foucault embodies the figure of engaged intellectual, which is related both to the effervescent experience in Vincennes and to the first period of his work, Archeology (1960s). That is, unlike the classical interpretations that attribute only to its second period, the Genealogy (1970s), a political dimension, there was in Archeology a potential to raise new forms of political engagement.


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Foucault, Políticas da arqueologia – 50 anos de A arqueologia do Saber (1969)

How to Cite

"In the essence of Foucault": archeology and political engagement. (2019). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(35), 102-111. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1517-0128.v2i35p102-111