The archeology and politics of antihumanism




Foucault, Archeology, Practice, Representation, Humanism


The article proposes to interpret Archeology as a practice by analyzing it as a method that aims not only to circumscribe the discursive fields that make possible the knowledge of each time, but also to define what, at its extreme limit, is thinkable. For Foucault it was essential to make possible the “unthinkable ” through the experience of difference. We intend to identify in Foucault this movement of thought, which a certain academic tradition has identified as “ anti-humanism” theorists, by describing the anthropological circle that characterizes the modern episteme in “The order of things”, Foucault's consequent critique of this problem and his later solution in texts that begin his genealogical course.


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Author Biography

  • Lara Pimentel Figueira Anastacio, Universidade de São Paulo
    Formada em Direito pela FGV-SP. Atualmente realizo mestrado sobre o pensamento de Michel Foucault no Departamento de Filosofia da USP, sob orientação do prof. Pedro Paulo Pimenta.


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How to Cite

The archeology and politics of antihumanism. (2019). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(35), 200-215.