The “problem of absolut” in the foundation of new political communities: thinking arendt between derrida and agamben
Absolut, Foundation, Confidence, Community, PerformativeAbstract
This essay is composed in three parts. First, it retraces the main arguments of Hannah Arendt’s On Revolution concerning what she names the “problem of Absolut” in the foundation of new political communities, mainly the way this problem emerges in the American Revolution. Then it shows the interpretation of Bonnie Honig, who seeks both confronting and reconciling the writings of Arendt and Jacques Derrida about the Declaration of Independence. Finally it suggests that the problem of foundation and permanence of communities can also be understood in the light of recent inquiries of Giorgio Agamben about oath as political principle.
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HONIG, B. “Declarations of Independence: Arendt and Derrida on the Problem of Founding a Republic”. American Political Science Review, n. 85, 1991, pp. 97-113.
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