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Author Guidelines

1. Papers submitted for publication must be unpublished and follow the ABNT technical standards (NB 61 and NB 65) adapted for philosophical writings.

To download the template or standardization model, click here.

2. Articles must contain
- Title
- Author's name (full name, research affiliation or work and e-mail)
- Supervisor's name (in case of master's and doctoral students)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Body text with footnotes (footnotes may be used to indicate bibliographical references or to add additional remarks)
- Title in English
- Abstract
- Key-words
- Bibliographical references ( following the ABNT standards). The bibliography with the complete references of the works cited must be presented in alphabetical order by author's last name at the end of the article. References to the bibliography throughout the article should be made exclusively in the footnotes in the following format: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Book or article title, page. For example: SOUZA, Ilustração e história, p. 91; or LEBRUN, "O cego e o filósofo ou o nascimento da antropologia", p. 53. It is recommended not to use terms such as idem, ibidem and op cit to refer to previously cited works.

3. The entire text should not exceed 42,000 characters (with spaces), including footnotes, abstract, etc. Manuscripts longer than the above length will be rejected.

4. It is important that the author has an updated Lattes Resumé. In the case of non-Brazilian authors, we kindly ask the authors to provide a link to their CV.

5. The editors reserve the right to accept, reject, or resubmit the original with suggested changes. Papers will be submitted to two peer reviewers and, in the case of conflicting reviews, to a third reviewer. The author's name will not be revealed to the reviewers. The names of the peer reviewers will be kept confidential.

6. Only manuscripts by graduate students and postgraduates will be accepted. This guideline must be observed for all applicants in manuscripts with two or more authors.

7. Articles by the same author will not be published in consecutive issues of the journal. However, if the author so prefers, the article may be archived for publication in a subsequent issue.

8. If the submitted manuscript is found to have been sent to other journals concomitantly with the submission to Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política, the submission will be rejected.

9. Submissions should be made via OJS

10. Reviews must be submitted in Portuguese, and must refer to works published in the last five years from the date of submission, with exception made upon request to the editors. They must include the complete reference of the book reviewed. Reviews are limited to 15,000 characters.

11. Translations must be submitted in Portuguese, limited to 42,000 characters. During submission, the original text file must be sent, as well as a publication authorization from the copyright owners (should the text not be in the public domain).

12. Interviews must be submitted in Portuguese or English, with a limit of 30,000 characters, along with the interviewee's authorization for publication.

13. Dossiers will be accepted only in accordance with the rules described in the section below. Dossiers already completed, from past events, will not be accepted. Proposals will only be accepted if previously communicated to the editorial staff, which will then accept or reject the submission in a meeting with the journal's committee. Results will be announced to the proponents within a period to be established by the journal. All manuscripts received will be uploaded to OJS and will undergo the editorial and evaluation process of the Journal.

14. All the follow-up of the editing process and all communication with the editors is done exclusively via OJS. E-mail contact should be used only to answer technical questions about OJS.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não deve estar em avaliação para publicação em outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão deve estar em formato Microsoft Word.
  • Plágio: Nos textos submetidos aos Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política é imprescindível que toda referência a ideias ou trechos de textos de terceiros seja devidamente identificada, seja por meio de referências diretas, notas de rodapé, recuos, ou ainda com a utilização de aspas. Os autores que quiserem contribuir com nossa revista são responsáveis integralmente pelos textos submetidos, garantindo que suas obras sejam inteiramente originais e que, quando utilizados trechos ou ideias de outros autores, estas estejam devidamente identificadas e citadas formalmente no corpo do texto. Não aceitaremos plágios em nenhuma hipótese e aqueles que tiverem tal prática poderão ser responsabilizados judicialmente de acordo com a lei. 

  • Autoria: Sobre a questão da autoria dos trabalhos apresentados, esta deve ser restrita àqueles que realmente contribuíram para sua elaboração redação final. Toda e qualquer outra pessoa não envolvida diretamente na redação do trabalho submetido deverá ser arrolada como colaboradora.


As resenhas bibliográficas não deverão ultrapassar 15.000 caracteres com espaço, incluindo referências bibliográficas e notas, e, devem apresentar, no início do texto, a referência completa das obras analisadas.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.