The torn belonging: Cecília Meireles and return in Matilde Sánchez


  • Gina Saraceni



This article sets out to expose two central issues based on a story by Matilde Sánchez. The first one concerns literature as a space where legacies acquire form, become current and renew themselves. The second one refers to the return as an experience that erases the possibility of belonging and demands a critical distance from notions of origin and home. In this sense, the article reviews the functioning of the economy of travel: the capital it generates, the losses and profitsm the assets and yield.


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Author Biography

  • Gina Saraceni
    Especialista em literatura de viagem, ficções da memória, teoria literária, poesia venezuelana contemporânea. Publicou:  La soberanía del defecto. (Legado y pertenencia en la literatura latinoameicana conteporánea (Equinoccio, 2011, en prensa); Escribir hacia atrás. Herencia, lengua, memoria (Beatriz Viterbo, Rosario, 2008); En obra. Antología de la poesía venezolana (1983-2008) (Equinoccio, 2008).




How to Cite

SARACENI, Gina. The torn belonging: Cecília Meireles and return in Matilde Sánchez. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 3, p. 28–45, 2012. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i3p28-45. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jun. 2024.