Poetize “the alchemy of the disruptive”: body, perception and affect in La contingencia (2015) by Alicia Genovese


  • María Lucía Puppo Universidad Católica Argentina




Alicia Genovese, Argentine Poetry, Body, Affection, Perception


The article proposes a reading of La contingencia, the ninth book of poems by Alicia Genovese (Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, 1953) in the light of Affect Theory. Written after the death of the author’s father and younger brother, the text sharply explores the pain of loss and the possibility of subjective reconstruction through poetic writing (Salomone, 2017, 256). Our approach aims to examine some discursive strategies that cooperate in this double task, focusing on the body represented as an “empty space”, torn by a huge “fissure” where emotions come to light (Genovese, 2018, 481, 483). Thus, it will be possible to trace an itinerary that goes from the experience of pure contingency (the pain, the thirst, the desire and the cold of a “disembodied” speaker) to the transformation or “alchemy of the disruptive” postulated by “the poems/of light balance” (497, 524), centered on images of beauty and dynamism that “open futures”(Ahmed, 2015, 304).


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Author Biography

  • María Lucía Puppo, Universidad Católica Argentina

    Es Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y Profesora Titular de Teoría y Análisis del Discurso Literario en la Universidad Católica Argentina. Además de coeditar volúmenes colectivos, publicó los libros La música del agua. Poesía y referencia en la obra de Dulce María Loynaz (2006) y Entre el vértigo y la ruina: poesía contemporánea y experiencia urbana (2013).


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How to Cite

PUPPO, María Lucía. Poetize “the alchemy of the disruptive”: body, perception and affect in La contingencia (2015) by Alicia Genovese. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 21, p. 100–118, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i21p100-118. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/caracol/article/view/171368.. Acesso em: 1 jun. 2024.