La Malinche sob a visão de José Limón  




Malinche, José Limón, Mexican colonization, Chicanas, Feminism, Literature


In this article I intend to approach, from the work José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Seed Dance of Patricia, the show of La Malinche, authored by José Limón, Mexican choreographer. This book, which contains articles by various academics focused on scenery, costumes, music, choreographic notes and historical content about a musical piece, will allow us to learn about the construction of its indigenous protagonist: Malinche, who was with Hernán Cortés during the capture of the Mexico and, since then, stands out in historiographic, academic and literary works, not only in Mexico, but in different parts of the world.


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Author Biography

  • Dóris Helena Soares da Silva Giacomolli, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Escritora, autora de dois romances: “O que querem os deuses” e “Com a alma entre os dentes.” Doutora em Letras pela FURG, graduada e mestre em Letras pela UFPEL, professora de língua inglesa e literatura.


Almeida, Maria Regina Celestino de. “Os índios na História do Brasil no século XIX: da invisibilidade ao protagonismo”. In: Revista História Hoje, v. 1, no 2, 21-39 - 2012.

Berg, Shelley C. “La Malinche The Inspiration for the Dance”. In: José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas press, 2008, 20-34.

Gordon, Helen Heightsman. Malinalli of the Fifth Sun: The Slave Girl Who Changed the Fate of Mexico and Spain. Bloomington: iUniverse books, 2005.

Hernández, Sonia. “Malinche in Cross-Border Historical Memory”. In: José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas press, 2008, 95-118.

Höller, Michaela. I am what I am, take it or leave me alone translating chicananess with the ayuda of la Malinche. Dissertação de mestrado. USA: Stanford University, 2010.

Jager, Rebecca Kay. Malinche, Pocahontas, and Sacagawea: Indian Women as Cultural Intermediaries and National Symbols. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2015.

Kellogg, Susan. Marina. “Malinche, Malintzin Nahúa Women and the Spanish Conquest”. In: José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas press, 2008, 79-94.

Maturo, Carol. “Visual communication Props and Costumes”. In: José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas press, 2008, 55-78.

Montandon, Rosa Maria Spinoso de. La Llorona. Mito e poder no México. Niterói, 2007. Disponível no link:

Palma, Milagros. Malinche, el malinchismo o el lado femenino de la sociedad mestiza. Quito: ABYA-YALA, 1990, 131-164.

Paz, Octavio. “Los hijos de la Malinche.”. In: El laberinto de la Soledad. Mexico City: Cuadernos Americanos, 1947.

Seed, Patrícia. José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas Press, 2008.

Seger, Magda Fabiane. “La Malinche, D. Marina: a ‘lengua’ de Cortés segundo o ‘Lienzo de Tlaxcala’ São Leopoldo”, 2014. Disponível no link:

Todorov, Tzvetan. A conquista da América: a questão do outro. Tradução de Beatriz Perrone-Moisés. 3. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2003.

Tortajada Quiroz, Margarita. “Jose Limon and La Malinche in Mexico: A Chicano Artist Returns Home”. In: José Limón and La Malinche: The dancer and the Dance. United States of America: University of Texas press, 2008, 119-153.



How to Cite

GIACOMOLLI, Dóris Helena Soares da Silva. La Malinche sob a visão de José Limón  . Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 20, p. 544–571, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i20p544-571. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jun. 2024.