Pablo De Santis and the police officer in comic strips: theory and practice


  • Hernán Maltz Universidad de Buenos Aires CONICET



Pablo De Santis, Historieta, Género policial, Narrativa argentina


I propose an interpretation based on the ways in which detective fiction is presented and represented in comics and essays by Pablo De Santis. In the first place, I maintain an hypothesis that allows to unite his comic and essays’s productions with his “adult” literature, based on two arguments: on the one hand, the detective fiction genre unites the two narratives; on the other, they differ in the fact that his literature is closer to the classic detective fiction, while his comics tend to approach the hard-boiled fiction. Secondly, I review some of De Santis’s theories about comics, mainly those linked with the hard-boiled fiction, the preeminence of the urban environment and the question of how to make a national detective literature. Finally, according to my hypothesis on detective fiction, I analyze his scriptwriting practice in two comic books published in 2016: Justicia poética y Cobalto.


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Author Biography

  • Hernán Maltz, Universidad de Buenos Aires CONICET
    Doctorando en Literatura y Licenciado en Sociología, ambos por la universidad de Buenos Aires. Becario doctoral del CONICET y docente universitario. Trabaja en proyectos de investigación sobre narrativa policial argentina.


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___. Cobalto. Dibujado por Juan Sáenz Valiente. Buenos Aires: Hotel de las ideas, 2016c.

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How to Cite

MALTZ, Hernán. Pablo De Santis and the police officer in comic strips: theory and practice. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 15, p. 162–187, 2018. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i15p162-187. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jun. 2024.