Flora of the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae - Tillandsioideae
Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae, campo rupestre, Serra do Cipó, Minas GeraisAbstract
The taxonomic treatment of Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae) for the project"Flora of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil" is presented. The subfamily is represented in the study area by four genera and 24 species: Alcantarea (2 species), Racinaea (1 species), Tillandsia (9 species) and Vriesea (12 species). Descriptions and illustrations as well as comments on the taxonomy, geographic distribution, phenology, and keys to genera and species are presented. A new synonym, Vriesea monacorum L.B.Sm., is considered under the concept of V. schwackeana Mez. Alcantarea hatschbachii is rediscovered.Downloads
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COFFANI-NUNES, João Vicente; VERSIEUX, Leonardo M.; WANDERLEY, Maria das Graças Lapa; PIRANI, José Rubens. Flora of the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae - Tillandsioideae . Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 28, n. 1, p. 35–54, 2010. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9052.v28i1p35-54. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/bolbot/article/view/11799.. Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.