Perkinsus sp. infecting three important mollusks from Jaguaribe River estuary, Ceará, Brazil




Bivalve, Disease, Perkinsus


This work investigated the occurrence of Perkinsus sp. in clam Anomalocardia brasiliana, oyster Crassostrea sp. and mussel Mytella falcata from the Jaguaribe River estuary, northeastern Brazil. The collection of clam (N = 300), oysters (N = 300) and mussels (N = 300) were carried out in the estuary of the Jaguaribe River, Ceará, in March and April (rainy season) and October (dry season) in 2017. The mollusks were measured in their major axis, open, and had their tissues submitted to tissue incubation techniques in Ray’s fluid thioglycollate medium (RFTM), histology, real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), PCR and sequencing. The RFTM assays showed Perkinsus sp. infecting the three mollusks investigated. The prevalence of infected clams was 1.33% in both sampling periods, oysters ranged from 2.66 (rainy season) to 8% (dry period), and mussels from 0% (dry period) to 51.33% (rainy season). The intensity of infection was very light to light in clams, very soft to severe in oysters and very soft to moderate in mussels. Histological analyses showed cells of Perkinsus sp. infecting the gills and connective tissue around the digestive gland of some individuals. The qPCR generated amplicons in all positive samples in RFTM, confirming the presence of Perkinsus sp., while the sequencing evidenced high similarity (99%) with the species P. beihaiensis. In conclusion, the results obtained contribute to increasing knowledge about the occurrence of Perkinsus sp. in bivalve mollusks from northeastern Brazil.


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How to Cite

Dantas Neto MP, Maggioni R, Nogueira LFF, Forte JM, Feijó RG, Sabry RC. Perkinsus sp. infecting three important mollusks from Jaguaribe River estuary, Ceará, Brazil. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];57(1):e158316. Available from: