Artisanal fishing net float loss and a proposal for a float design solution


  • Paulo de Tarso Chaves Universidade Federal do Paraná; Departamento de Zoologia
  • Beatriz Ern da Silveira Universidade Federal do Paraná; Departamento de Zoologia



Plastic floats from fishing nets are commonly found washed up on beaches in southern Brazil. They are usually broken and show signs of having been repaired. Characteristics of floats and interviews with fishermen suggest two main causes of float loss. First, collisions between active gear, bottom trawl nets for shrimp, and passive gear, drift nets for fish, destroy nets and release fragments of them, including floats. Second, the difficulty with which floats are inserted on the float rope of the nets when they are used near the surface. Floats are inserted to replace damaged or lost floats, or they may be removed if it is desired that the nets be used in deeper waters. Floats may thus be poorly fixed to the cables and lost. Here a new float design that offers greater safety in use and for the replacement of floats is described and tested.


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Artículo Original

Cómo citar

Artisanal fishing net float loss and a proposal for a float design solution . (2016). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 64(1), 89-94.