
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts submitted for publication must obey the following norms.

    1 - Be hitherto unpublished and destined for exclusive publication by the Bulletin of the Oceanographic Institute.
    2 - Be typed in two copies, with double spacing, on paper of 22x33cm.
    3 - The language used must be clear and concise.
    4 - The title, while being short, should indicate the subject of the article precisely.
    5 - The articles should be divided into sections, preceded by headings (E.g., Introduction, Material, Methods, Results, Discussion, etc.) providing that the length of the text permit such divisions.
    6 - Synopsis - A synopsis, in English, placed between the title and the text, of approximately 200 words, is obligatory for all articles.
    7 - Tables - Must be typed on separate sheets, with brief, clear and concise titles. They should be identified by Roman numerals.
    8 - Figures - Drawings and graphs, in Indian ink, should be numbered with Arabic numerals, the number of each figure and the name of the author appearing on the reverse side. The captions of the figures should be typed on a separate sheet. The places where the tables and figures should be included in the text should be indicated in the margin. Photographs must be clear.
    9 - Acknowledgements - Should be registered in a separate paragraph placed before the Bibliographical References.
    10 - Bibliographical References - To be placed at the end of the text, in accordance with the alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors, and to include only those quoted in the text. The references must be complete, including the initials of the authors mentioned, year of publication, complete title of the article, volume, supplement (fascicle), number of pages (initial and final). Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the "World List of Scientific Periodicals". Regarding the quotation of books, the following sequence should be adopted: author(s), year of publication, complete title of the book, editor(s) (if necessary), place of publication, publisher, number of the page(s) (if necessary), or volume (if there is more than one in the collection). This periodical should be cited in bibliographical references as: Bolm Inst. oceanogr. S Paulo.

Typographic composition - Once the type-setting has been begun, no further modifications to the text will be accepted. However, should further modifications be essential, the authors will be charged for them separately.
Proof reading - The first proof will be sent to the author for revision.
Off-prints - Fifty (50) off-prints will be sent to the author. When the article is a collaborative effort, the off-prints will be distributed equally among the authors. If a larger number is requested by the interested party, he/she will pay for the extra copies at cost price.

    - The publication of studies in the Boletim will depend on the author's compliance with these norms and on the opinion of the Editorial Committee/Board. Chronological order of arrival will, as far as possible, determine order of publication.
    - Original articles refused for publication will not be returned.
    - The manuscript, together with a copy, should be sent by letter to the Editorial Committee/Board, specifying title, number of pages, tables and figures, addressed to the Divisão de Informação e Documentação Científica.
    - The Editorial Committee/Board reserves the right to reduce the number of tables and figures if it considers these excessive.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.