O complexo Atuba: um cinturão paleoproterozóico intensamente retrabalhado no Neoproterozóico


  • O Siga Júnior USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Geral
  • M. A. S Basei USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Geral
  • J. M Reis Neto UFPR; Centro Politécnico; Departamento de Geologia
  • A Machiavelli USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Geral
  • O. M Harara USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Geral




Complexo Atuba, tectônica, Paleoproterozóico e Neoproterozóico


Studies of terranes between the northern Ribeira and southern Dom Feliciano Belts allow the characterization of three geotectonic domains with different evolutions: the Luís Alves, Curitiba and Paranaguá terranes. The Atuba Complex occurs in the Curitiba Domain, which has a northwestern limit with metassediments of the Açungui and Setuva Groups and a southwestern limit with the granulitic gneisses of the Luis Alves domains. The contacts are expressive shear zones. The predominant rocks of the Curitiba Domain are banded, migmatitic gneisses in amphibolite grade with biotite-amphibole gneissic mesosomes and tonalitic/granodioritic to granitic leucosomes, here called the Atuba Complex. The migmatites are Paleoproterozoic (2.000 ± 200 Ma) and remigmatized in Neoproterozoic (600 ± 20 Ma). During the latter period temperatures reached more than 500º C. The structural pattem indicated shear-controlled tectonics with an important lateral component, and low-angle, south-southeastwards transport direction. The terranes of the Atuba Complex appear to represent deep-level rocks which were migmatized, granitized and then added to the border of the Luis Alves Microplate during the Neoproterozoic. This late Neoproterozoic tectonic scheme which continued to the Cambro-Ordoviciano seems to be the result of larger-scale processes of continental agglutination which ended with the formation of western Gondwanaland.





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