The body geometry: between Butoh and architecture


  • Ian Guimarães Habib Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • André Bambirra Vaillant



Architecture, Butoh, Space, Body, Representation


This article aims to develop a counterpoint between the notions of body and spatiality traditionally present in architecture and urban planning and those observed in dance, in particular Butoh ballet. On this purpose, we analyze the forms of representation, the morphology and history of classical architecture, purposing the concepts of bodyspace and spacetime in the work of Min Tanaka and in Butoh dance in general. From this comparison, we intend to understand new possibilities and definitions of perception and interaction between space and body in movement and architectural planning.


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How to Cite

The body geometry: between Butoh and architecture. (2020). Revista Aspas, 10(1), 70-83.