Frantz Fanon: colonial violence and intellectual resistance from the documentary Concerning Violence
Frantz Fanon, colonial violence, intellectual resistance, Concerning violenceAbstract
This article analyzes, from the documentary Concerning Violence, the images of colonial violence and the contribution of Frantz Fanon to colonial historical processes and black resistance practices. The documentary focuses on violence and problematizes the process of gender issues between colonizers and colonized people during the wars of liberation and independence. Given its current nature, Fanon's thought aims to question the dialectics of capitalism, colonialism and racism, as well as decolonize minds, and, above all, recognize African identities. As a theoretical reference, the article dialogues, among others, with Frantz Fanon ([1961] 2010), in his reflections on colonial vices in national formation; bell hooks (2019), Leila Gonzalez (1984) and Sueli Carneiro (2011), in their reflections on the problem of the black population, as well as in their ideologies of whitening and its effects on the exposure of the black body, generally being discriminated against by racism.
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