In view of a higher rate of positive blood tests for syphilis being observed among workers from other States of Brazil, than among those born in the Capital of São Paulo, the author has examined some groups in the population in order to establish comparative data. Rates between 7 and 16% of positive blood tests were found among soldiers of the Fôrça Pública do Estado living in São Paulo while the rate was between 28 and 33% in the same group of soldiers coming from the North of the country. Among 3,229 workers of a factory in the Capital of São Paulo 1.2% of positive tests were found for the Paulista workers while among those coming the North the rate was 7.8%. Through questioning 501 workers from São Paulo and 70 from the North of Brazil, a rate of 14% of venereal diseases was found among the former and 40% among the latter. 334 Brazilian immigrants from the North the country were examined and presented 6.6% of positive blood-tests for syphilis. The rate was 3.4% among 150,000 workers in the C .pita! o f São Paulo. The conclusioo of the author is that the rate of venereal diseases, specially syphilis, is higher among people coming from the North of the country, than among people of the Capital of São Paulo. He suggests that the immigratory conditions are responsible for the higher degree of sexual promiscuity and the higher rate of venereal infections.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barros, J. M. de. (1954). A SÍFILIS ENTRE OS IMIGRANTES NACIONAIS. Arquivos Da Faculdade De Higiene E Saúde Pública Da Universidade De São Paulo, 8(2), 261-267. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2358-792X.v8i2p261-267