What is ORCID?

The ORCID provides an authenticated digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control and individualizes you from any other researcher. The author should connect the iD with their professional information - affiliations, grants, publications, peer reviews, and other scientific contributions. This procedure allows the author iD to share their information with other systems, ensuring that they are recognized for all their contributions, saving time and effort, and reducing the risk of errors.


How and why do we request the ORCID iDs?

Acta Fisiátrica collects ORCID IDs so that the whole community and we can ensure you are correctly identified and connected with your publication(s). This action ensures that your association with all of your work stays with you throughout your career.

When you click the "Authorize" on the ORCID pop-up, we will ask you to share your ID logging into your ORCID account. If you are not registered at ORCID iD, you will be redirected to the ORCID page for proper registration online. After logging into your ORCID account, you will be requested to permit us to obtain your ORCID ID. We do this to ensure you are correctly identified and securely connected to your ORCID ID.

This journal will collect and display the authenticated author and co-author IDs on the OJS profile and article page. In addition, article metadata will automatically be sent to your ORCID record, allowing us to help you keep your record up to date with reliable information.

Learn more at What is so special about signing in?


Where are the ORCID iDs shown?

To recognize that you have used your ORCID iD and that it has been authenticated, we display the ORCID iD icon next to your name on your article and in your public user profile.

Learn more at How should an ORCID iD be displayed?