The Language and Literature of the Irish in Argentina


  • Juan José Delaney Universidad del Salvador



This is a brief account of what happened to the language of the Irish migrants who left their territory and established themselves in Argentina, the curious way they protected their identity by preserving the English language which was not their own, and how fluctuations of the Irish Language reflect the ups and downs of their slow integration into Argentine society. The second part refers to Literature. First in Irish-English and gradually in Spanish, the Irish and their descendants - William Bulfin, Kathleen Nevin, Benito Lynch and Rodolfo Walsh, among others - created a corpus of what can be called "Trish-Argentine Literature." An expanded Spanish version in book-format will be published in Buenos Aires next year. 


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    JUAN JOSÉ DELANEY was born into a large Irish-Argentine family in Buenos Aires and holds the chair in Twentieth Century Latin American Literature at El Salvador University. He is also a fiction writer and has published four books of short stories and a novel Moing Sullivan Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1999). La Carcajada, his first collection of short stories published before his twentieth birthday, was highly praised by Jorge Luis Borges. He founded and directs El Gato Negro, a magazine which specializes in thrillers: crime, police and mystery.






The Irish in South America