Irishness on the Margins: Minority and Dissident Identities


  • José Carregal-Romero University of Vigo



Villar-Argáiz, Pilar (ed). Irishness on the Margins: Minority and Dissident Identities. London: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2018. 290p.


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    José Carregal-Romero obtained his PhD from the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2016, with a dissertation on Colm Tóibín’s fiction, which received the Inés Praga Terente Award by the Spanish Association of Irish Studies (AEDEI).He is now in receipt of a post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Autonomous Government of Galicia, Spain (Axudas posdoutorais 2017), and is conducting part of his research at University College Dublin (2017-2018) and University College Cork (2018-2019). His publications include articles in journals such as Irish University Review, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction and Moderna sprak.


