Marhall, Oliver. English, Irish and Irish-American Letters in Nineteenth-Century


  • Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos University of São Paulo



Marhall, Oliver. English, Irish and Irish-American Letters in Nineteenth-Century Brasil: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    VASCONCELOS, SANDRA GUARDINI T. is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of São Paulo, where she obtained her MA and PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. She did her post-doctorate studies at Cambridge University, was Visiting Research Associate at the Centre for Brazilian Studies (Oxford), and is a specialist on the work of the Brazilian novelist João Guimarães Rosa. Over the past years, she has been carrying out research on the presence and circulation of the eighteenth and nineteenth century English novel in nineteenth century Brazil. She has organized several books, has published articles and chapters both in Brazil and abroad and is the author of Puras Misturas. Estórias em Guimarães Rosa (Hucitec/Fapesp, 1997), Dez Lições sobre o Romance Inglês do Século XVIII (Boitempo, 2002), and A Formação do Romance Inglês: ensaios teóricos (Hucitec, Fapesp, 2007).






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