The Short Story Narrative Form According to John Banville


  • Juan José Delaney Universidad del Salvador


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J.J. Delaney, A. Gilsenan, N. Hegarty, P. Holloway, R. Jenkinson, C. MacCann, A. Ní Corráin, E. Ní Chuilleanáin, B. O’Callaghan, J. O’Donnell, J. Traynor.


This section brings different voices from writers who narrate their experience as readers of John Banville’s work to pay tribute to his 50 years of an inspiring writing.


Биография автора

  • Juan José Delaney, Universidad del Salvador

    Born in Buenos Aires in 1954, Juan José Delaney taught Argentinean Literature for about twenty five years at the Universidad del Salvador (BA) where he coordinates the Irish Studies Program. A fiction writer and essayist, he published two collections of short stories, Papeles del desierto and Tréboles del sur, two novels, Moira Sullivan and Memoria de Theophilus Flynn, a biography Marco Denevi y la sacra ceremonia de la escritura, and the monographs What, che? Integration, Adaptation and Assimilation of the Irish-Argentine Community through Its Language and Literature and Borges and Irish Writing, among other essays and articles.



Как цитировать

Delaney, J. J. (2021). The Short Story Narrative Form According to John Banville. ABEI Journal, 22(1), 23-26.