

  • Mariana Bolfarine ederal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR)
  • Marisol Morales-Ladrón University of Alcalá


Biografia do Autor

  • Mariana Bolfarine, ederal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR)
    Mariana Bolfarine holds a PhD (2015) in English Language and Literature from the University of São Paulo, has been a research fellow at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth - NUIM (2013-2014), and has been Brazilian representative for the IASIL annual bibliography since 2011. Dr. Bolfarine is currently teaching at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR), is a researcher of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies and is president of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies (ABEI). She has translated the following books into Portuguese: Roger Casement in Brazil: Rubber, the Amazon and the Atlantic World 1884-1916, by Angus Mitchell, edited by Dr. Laura Izarra (2010) and the Amazon Journal of Roger Casement (2016), co-edited with Dr. Laura Izarra, and has published the book Between “Angels and Demons”: Trauma in Fictional Representations of Roger Casement (2018).
  • Marisol Morales-Ladrón, University of Alcalá
    Marisol Morales-Ladrón is Senior lecturer at the University of Alcalá (Spain). Her areas of research include contemporary Irish literature, gender studies and the interrelationship between literature and psychology. She has written the books Breve introducción a la literatura comparada (1999) and Las poéticas de James Joyce y Luis Martín-Santos (2005). She has edited the volumes Postcolonial and Gender Perspectives in Irish Studies (2007) and Family and Dysfunction in Contemporary Irish Narrative and Film (2016), and has also co-edited the monograph Glocal Ireland: Current Perspectives on Literature and the Visual arts (2011), as well as two other studies on feminist criticism: Mosaicos y taraceas: Desconstrucción feminista de los discursos del género (2000) and (Trans)formaciones de las sexualidades y el género (2001). She has published articles on a variety of English and Irish authors, which have appeared in peer-reviewed journals. At present, she is Vice-President for Quality Management and has served as Vice-President for Academic and Student Affairs, Head of Department, Director of Academic Affairs, Chair of AEDEI, and executive member of the Boards of several national and international associations.




Como Citar

Bolfarine, M., & Morales-Ladrón, M. (2019). Introduction. ABEI Journal, 20(2), 9.