Samuel Beckett and Television


  • Célia Berettini University of São Paulo



Samuel Beckett, Plays, Television.


This article focuses on the plays and adaptation written for television 
by Beckett, having already explored radio and even cinema, in addition to his works for theatre and texts in prose. With his stated preference for visual language and his obsession with minimalism, nothing better than television; besides, without words, he was able to give an original treatment to subjects previously covered: unhappy love, time, death and loneliness, often through melancholic recollection. He was thus an inventor of “a totally new genre”: “visual poems or without words”, some with music, as Martin Esslin classified these small masterpieces.

Biografia do Autor

  • Célia Berettini, University of São Paulo

    CÉLIA BERETTINI, Emeritus Professor of the University of São Paulo (School of Communication and Arts), is a researcher in Literature and Theatre, representing Brazil in
    the Société d’Histoire Littéraire de la France, in Paris. Her numerous publications include: Teatro Francês, O Teatro Ontem e Hoje, Duas Farsas, O Embrião do Teatro de Molière, A linguagem de Beckett and, more recently, Samuel Beckett, escritor plural, besides having been a contributor to the former Literary Supplement of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo for close to thirty years. She has also translated several relevant works on aesthetics. 






Samuel Beckett

Como Citar

Berettini, C. (2006). Samuel Beckett and Television. ABEI Journal, 8, 17-25.