Deirdre Madden. New Critical Perspectives edited by Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladrón


  • María Graciela Eliggi National University of La Pampa



Fogarty, Anne & Morales-Ladrón, Marisol (editors). Deirdre Madden. New Critical Perspectives. Manchester University Press, June 2022, pp.280. £80.00.- Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-5261-1892-9

Biografia autore

  • María Graciela Eliggi, National University of La Pampa

    María Graciela Eliggi holds a degree in Translation and also in English Language and Literature from the National University of La Plata and an MA degree in Anglo American Literature from the National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina. Between 1982 and 2017 she taught regular courses on English Language, Literature and Literary Theory at the National University of La Pampa (UNLPam) rering as full professor. She has published articles in national and international journals and presented papers in conferences in Argentina and abroad. She has co-edited and published books on literature and culture. From 2017 to 2019 she was the president and co-founder of AEIS (Asociación de Estudios Irlandeses del Sur), now a member of the AEIS Council. At present, she teaches post-graduate courses and is an external project, thesis as well as peer reviewer in many Argentine universities (UBA, UNRC, UNC, UNLP, UNSJ, UNCUYO, UNT, UNGS, UTN, UNCOMA, UNRN, UNVM) and coordinates an eight-year research program (UNLPam 2015-2023) including four projects on contemporary Irish literature, history and the Irish diaspora to Argentina and South America. She is currently the coordinator of the “Edna O’Brien-Colum McCann” Free Extracurricular Chair of Irish Studies and the Irish Diaspora.





Book Reviews

Come citare

Eliggi, M. G. (2022). Deirdre Madden. New Critical Perspectives edited by Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladrón. ABEI Journal, 24(2), 117-119.