Translating Oscar Wilde and Liam O’Flaherty


  • Flavia Maria Samuda



Should the translator cater for the needs of the writer or for those of the reader? Should he/she remain as close to every single word of the original text as possible, sacrificing if necessary fluency and clarity; or should she/he interpret the text in a manner that ignores the spirit and foreign nature (i.e., tempo, character, concepts) of the original language as well as the author’s peculiar way of thinking and feeling? Is there a third alternative, a middle way? Is every translation in fact an adaptation? I had to try to answer these questions when translating Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband and Liam O’Flaherty’s The Informer. These are the questions one always faces when engaged in the challenging, often perilous, ever fascinating and enriching experience of translation.


Chomsky, Noam. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Massachusetts, The M.I.T Press, 1965.

Nabokov, Vladimir. ‘Problems of Translation: ‘Onegin’ in English’, Theories of Translation, Chicago

and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Nida, Eugene A. The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1969.

O’Flaherty, Liam. The Informer, London, Signet, 1953.

Ortega y Gasset, José. ‘The Misery and Splendour of Translation’, Theories of Translation, ibid,

Paz, Octavio. ‘Translation: Literature and Letters’, Theories of Translatio’, ibid. 1992.

Schleiermacher, Friedrich. ‘On the Different Methods of Translating’, ‘Theories of Translation, ibid,

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Vinay, J. P.-Darbelnet, J. Styllisque Comparée du Français et de l’Anglais, Paris, Didier, 1977.

Waley, Arthur. ‘Notes on Translation’, Delos 3: 1969, 159-69.

Wilde, Oscar. An Ideal Husband, Barcelona, Bosch Casa Editorial S.A., 1977.







Comment citer

Samuda, F. M. . (2003). Translating Oscar Wilde and Liam O’Flaherty. ABEI Journal, 5(1), 365-376.