"The Penetration and Illumination of Life's Experience" in James Joyce's Ulysses and Gerard Manley


  • Donald E. Morse Kossuth University




Different as they may appear in person and as writers, Joyce and Hopkins share far more than time spent in Ireland or in exile. Michael McLaverty in discussing Hopkins points to what holds true for both writers: both penetrate and illuminate "life's experience" as both "appeal fundamentally to lour]...total nature" (142). As Hopkins' poetry penetrates life's experience it more and more illuminates Scotus's divine design. As Joyce's prose penetrates life's experience it more and more illuminates those truths discoverable in what William James called "subjective life" (:239). While Hopkins shows a deep penetration into religious experience, Joyce demonstrates a great range of personal, subjective experience. Yet both exhibit a remarkable "coherence of ... vision within its own range" (eake 322).

Biografía del autor/a

  • Donald E. Morse, Kossuth University

    DONALD E. MORSE, Visiting Professor of American, Irish, and English Literature, Kossuth University, Hungary, is also Emeritus Professor of English and Rhetoric, Oakland University, Michigan, USA. The author or editor of nine books and over ninety scholarly essays, he is also well known as an international lecturer on a variety of subjects including Irish literature. With the Hungarian scholar, Csilla Bertha, he wrote Worlds Visible and Invisible: Essays on Irish Literature (1994) and edited A Small Nation's Contribution to the World: Essays on Irish Literature and Language (1993), and More Real than Reality: The Fantastic in Irish Literature and the Arts (1992). He has been awarded two Fulbright fellowships to Hungary (1987-1989 and 1991-1993), two Soros Professorships (1990, 1996-1997), a Rockefeller Study Fel. lowship (1991), and an honorary doctorate from Kossuth University (1999).




Cómo citar

Morse, D. E. (2000). "The Penetration and Illumination of Life’s Experience" in James Joyce’s Ulysses and Gerard Manley. ABEI Journal, 2(1), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-8127.v2i1p43-50