The Time and Narrative of Making History: How Brian Friel Presented Hugh O’ Neill as the Leopold Bloom of Historiography



Palabras clave:

James Joyce, Brian Friel, Ulysses, Historiography, History, Narrative


This paper presents Brian Friel’s Making History as a dialogical piece that illustrates the historiographical turn of the twentieth century as something close to the narrative that is also present in James Joyce’s Ulysses: that is, the polyphony of multiple heroes having their own voices, each with their own importance, and without compromising the author’s identity in their own work.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Victor Fermino, Universidade de São Paulo

    Victor Fermino is a member of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies and a PhD student in Education (FE-USP), currently studying James Joyce's representations of pedagogy in Ulysses (such as the Nestor episode or when Poldy explained metempsychosis to Molly), as well as his role as a teacher and student in a time when education in Ireland was very deeply entangled with the political ecosystem. He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism (UMESP) and a Master's Degree in Social Communication (UMESP), for which he wrote a dissertation analysing the Joycean influences on Literary Journalism.


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Cómo citar

Fermino, V. (2022). The Time and Narrative of Making History: How Brian Friel Presented Hugh O’ Neill as the Leopold Bloom of Historiography. ABEI Journal, 24(2), 45-54.