The Construction of Identity in John Banville’s The Book of Evidence


  • Cielo Griselda Festino Universidade Paulista


Palabras clave:

Identity, The Book of Evidence, John Banville


In the present paper, I propose to discuss how I read The Book of Evidence and, echoing Robert Scholes’s words, how I inscribe it into the textuality of my life. Scholes actually says that “...each text can only be read by connecting it to the unfinished work of textuality...” (6) that each person’s reading represents. Therefore, as I read The Book of Evidence, it immediately reminded me of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Capote’s In Cold Blood. At the moment I read these novels, I thought my reading of them complete and closed. Dostoyevsky’s narrative had opened my eyes to the deep psychological anguish of a young man who feels trapped in his social plight and commits a murder only to confirm the famous cliché that crime does not pay and the path of goodness should always be chosen. I remember turning the pages expecting to find some relief after so much despair. Many years later I dared read Capote’s novel. The scene of the merciless massacre of the Clutter family remained with me after a long time as well as the sordid and marginal existence of the murderers and their hopeless path to death. When I took up The Book of Evidence I was ready for the same kind of reading experience. But, in spite of its deep intertextuality with Dostoyevsky’s novel, the unexpected tone of the narration suggested that I should generate a substantially different reading strategy in order to make sense of it.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Cielo Griselda Festino, Universidade Paulista

    Cielo Griselda Festino has an MA in English language and English and American literature from Universidade de São Paulo. She lectures English literature and language at UNIP, a private university. At the moment she is a PhD student at Universidade de São Paulo. Her main field of research is post-colonial literature. Her publications are “Os Relatos de Viagem. Em foco: Goa and the Blue Mountains de Sir Richard Francis Burton”.(Revista da História. History Department at Universidade de São Paulo
    (forthcoming)). “The Discourse of Diaspora and the Goan Experience” (Revista Cláritas. PUC. São Paulo (forthcoming))


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Cómo citar

Festino, C. G. (2002). The Construction of Identity in John Banville’s The Book of Evidence. ABEI Journal, 4(1), 95-111.