Trauma and Recovery in the Twenty-Century Irish Novel


  • Mariana Bolfarine Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR)



Costello-Sullivan, Kathleen, Trauma and Recovery in the Twenty-Century Irish Novel. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2018.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Mariana Bolfarine, Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR)
    Mariana Bolfarine holds a PhD (2015) in English Language and Literature from the University of São Paulo, has been a research fellow at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth - NUIM (2013-2014), and has been Brazilian representative for the IASIL annual bibliography since 2011. Dr. Bolfarine is currently teaching at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/ CUR), is a researcher of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies and is president of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies (ABEI). She has translated the following books into Portuguese: Roger Casement in Brazil: Rubber, the Amazon and the Atlantic World 1884-1916, by Angus Mitchell, edited by Dr. Laura Izarra (2010) and the Amazon Journal of Roger Casement (2016), co-edited with Dr. Laura Izarra, and has published the book Between “Angels and Demons”: Trauma in Fictional Representations of Roger Casement (2018).




Cómo citar

Bolfarine, M. (2019). Trauma and Recovery in the Twenty-Century Irish Novel. ABEI Journal, 20(2), 139-141.