Translation of an Excerpt from Anna Livia Plurabelle’s Final Monologue




Translation, Finnegans Wake, Anna Livia Plurabelle


This is a translation of an excerpt from the last three pages of Finnegans Wake (FW 626.30 – 628.16), in which the river-character Anna Livia Plurabelle (ALP) presents a bitter farewell monologue, motivated by the abandonment of her family and the supposed betrayal of her mountain-husband Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker (HCE) with her cloud-daughter, young Issy. While remembering the past, ALP feels old, alone and without the strength to continue, disintegrating herself from a world in which she no longer fits. She, who monologues at the same time that her family sleeps, goes to meet the father-sea in a flow that closes the last page of the work with the excerpt “A way a lone a last a loved a long the” (no period). However, this absence of punctuation provokes a circular movement that takes the reader back to the initial page, which begins with the word riverrun, in lowercase, which connects itself with the incomplete sentence “A way a lone a last a loved a long the” from page 628. In this way, what seemed to be the end of the character and also of the book soon becomes the restart of both. It is as if the river-woman who disappears into the sea evaporates herself and reappears on the front page after raining from her cloud-daughter, being vigorously reborn through her rival.


  • Luis Henrique Garcia Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Is a Master’s student in Theory and Literary History at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and a PhD student in Literary Studies at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). He holds a degree in Social Communication/Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas) and a degree in History. He has experience in the field of communication, having worked as an editor, journalist and photographer. He was a professor of Portuguese at the state teaching network of the State of São Paulo and of History at the municipal network of Itatiba-SP. He researches modernist literature in the English language, with James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake being his main research object. He participated in the translation of two chapters (VI and VII) of Finnegans Wake in the full translation executed by Coletivo Finnegans Wake, coordinated by Professor Dirce Waltrick do Amarante. This translation was released under the title Finnegans Rivolta and published in 2022 by Editora Iluminuras. Currently, he is dedicated to the full translation of Finnegans Wake in his Doctoral research and the relationship between Finnegans Wake and contemporary classical music in his Master’s research.


Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Oxford Univesity Press, 2012.




Ferreira, L. H. G. (2023). Translation of an Excerpt from Anna Livia Plurabelle’s Final Monologue. ABEI Journal, 25(1), 157-163.