Michael McCartan’s Books Luminary or Lunatic?


  • Edward Walsh Faculty of the Built Environment
  • Laura P.Z. Izarra Universidade de São Paulo




Michael McCartan, Irish Diaspora, Latin America


This is a first attempt to put Fr. Michael John McCartan in the cartography of the Irish chaplains in Argentina under the shadow of Fr. Anthony Fahy, a renowned priest leader of the Irish community in that country. The aim of this article is to motivate historians to look for more information and contextualize McCartan’s actions and impact in the diasporic Irish communities of nineteenth-century Latin America. This is a work-in-progress, and we are indebted to Roberto di Stefano for his generous assistance with this topic and for providing Edward Walsh with a copy of McCartan’s opus in the Mitre Museum, Buenos Aires.


  • Edward Walsh, Faculty of the Built Environment

    Edward Walsh holds a MSc in architecture from the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL. Contributor to Archivium Hibernicum, Collectanea Hibernica, Riocht na Mide, Irish Dictionary of National Biography. Native of Cork.

  • Laura P.Z. Izarra, Universidade de São Paulo

    Laura P.Z. Izarra is Full Professor of Literatures in English at the University of São Paulo and Coordinator of the W.B.Yeats Chair of Irish Studies/USP (since 2009). She is author of Mirrors and Holographic Labyrinths. The Process of a ‘New’ Aesthetic Synthesis in the Novels of John Banville (NY 1999), Narrativas de la diáspora irlandesa bajo la Cruz del Sur [Narratives of the Irish diaspora under the Southern Cross, BA 2010]; O Trauma Cultural: Ressonâncias Literárias Irlandesas/ Cultural Trauma: Irish Literary Resonances (bilingual, SP 2020) among other publications; co-translator of Hind Swaraj: Autogoverno da Índia by M.K. Gandhi (2010) and editor of Da Irlanda para o Brasil: Textos Críticos (since 2009), Remembering Tagore (2021), and Roger Casement in Brazil (2010) with various exhibitions in Brazil and abroad since 2010; co-editor of ABEI Journal (since 1999), Lectures (since 2010), the Portuguese translation of The Amazon Journal of Roger Casement (2016), Secrets from Putumayo by Aurélio Michiles (2021) and Transatlantic Crises of Democracies: Cultural Approaches (2022). She was Visiting Professor at Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina, and at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her research and publications are mainly on Irish contemporary literature, literatures of the diasporas, postcolonial literatures, cultural trauma, memory studies and the relations between Ireland and Brazil. 


McCartan, Michael John. Instructions For Young Ireland, How to Conciliate The Protestants, and Repeal The Union. Dublin: John Keogh, 1846. 86 pp.

---. La actualidad o la solución de las cuestiones de Roma, del Oriente y del Poniente, demonstrada en las Profecias Divinas, por un Presbítero Cristiano VIII. Buenos Aires: Imprenta Alemana, 1866. 102 pp.

Murray, Thomas. The Story of The Irish In Argentina. New York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1919, Ch. VII. Republished by Corregidor & Cork University Press, Buenos Aires, 2012.





Voices from South America


Walsh, E., & Izarra, L. P. (2022). Michael McCartan’s Books Luminary or Lunatic?. ABEI Journal, 24(2), 103-110. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-8127.v24i2p103-110