... nuvens apenas ... peça para televisão


  • Maria Helena Kopschitz Universidade Federal Fluminense




Escrita em inglês, outubro-novembro de 1976. Primeira exibição em televisão na BBC2, 17 de abril de 1977. Publicada pela primeira vez por Faber and Faber, Londres, 1977, no livro Ends and Odds (“Impasses e Ímpares” ou “Resíduos e Refugos”). Tradução de Maria Helena Kopschitz com sugestões de Haroldo de Campos.


  • Maria Helena Kopschitz, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    MARIA HELENA KOPSCHITZ is Emeritus Professor of Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil, where she taught most of her professional life and broadened
    the scope of the traditional syllabus of Graduate courses, by creating a programme in Irish Literature. She spent a term as researcher at Queen’s University, Belfast, and wrote her
    Master’s Dissertation and Professorship Thesis on the work of Samuel Beckett. Her translations of Irish texts into Portuguese include poetry, short stories and plays such as Beckett’s Ping (1996), Mary Lavin’s O Fundo da Terra e o Fundo do Mar (1996), W.B. Yeats’s O Poço do Falcão (1999), S. Beckett’s Alba (2001), Vaivém (2002) and …nuvens apenas … (2002), among others. She was Vice-President of ABEI (Brazilian Association of Irish Studies) for many years and her contribution to the development of Irish Studies in

    Brazil is of invaluable significance.





Samuel Beckett


Kopschitz, M. H. (2006). ... nuvens apenas ... peça para televisão. ABEI Journal, 8, 13-16. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v8i0.3712