The media, public security and social representations


  • Maria Stela Grossi Porto Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Sociologia. Instituto de Ciências Sociais



Media, Social representations, Political violence, Public security, Public policies, Federal District


The article's objective is to reflect on the complexity of the relations between the media and public security, which as forever incomplete realities generate a field of constant tensions. It argues that in contemporary modern democracies the media comprises an important instrument in the elaboration of social representations, which, in turn, irrespective of their truth or falsity, are key vehicles for the production and reproduction of beliefs and values, performing the pragmatic function of guiding the conduct of a wide variety of social actors. It therefore argues for the importance of taking these representations (including those produced by the media) into consideration as background material during the formulation of policies in the area of public security. In empirical support of this argument, the article uses examples and analyses relating to the context of Brazil's Federal District.


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How to Cite

Porto, M. S. G. (2009). The media, public security and social representations . Tempo Social, 21(2), 211-233.