Walls, gaps, and shortcuts: agency of transmasculine people for hormonization in the Transsexualizing Process in the city of São Paulo





Hormonization, Agency, Transsexualizing Process, Transmasculinity, Public Health


This article proposes to discover some factors in the hormonization process of transmasculine people from the idea of agency and care. Initially, productions about how the body and gender differentiations, elevated to natural and biological categories, legitimate and recognize cisgenderism as norm are recovered. Then, the ordinances of the Transsexualizing Process for the hormonization process focused on transmasculine people in the Unified Health System (SUS) are analyzed. Finally, the experience of the ethnographic work following two transmasculine people in the municipality of São Paulo between March 2019 and November 2020 was brought up, in addition to discourses on the use of hormones/testosterone by cisgender men on the internet, the search of these people for access to hormonization by the Transsexualizing Process of SUS, and the agency put in action in producing their bodies, which have its access eased or hindered by gender normativities and cisnormativity.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. de O. F. dos, & Olivar, J. M. N. (2023). Walls, gaps, and shortcuts: agency of transmasculine people for hormonization in the Transsexualizing Process in the city of São Paulo. Saúde E Sociedade, 32(2), e220589pt. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12902023220589pt