Health policies in Brazil: an analysis of projects financed by the World Bank during the Lula and Dilma governments


  • Welington Serra Lazarini
  • Francis Sodré
  • Thiago Dias Sarti
  • Maria Angélica Carvalho Andrade



International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Health Policy, Brazilian National Health System


The World Bank has been influencing the direction
of the Brazilian National Health System over the
last 30 years. This study analyzed the projects
funded by the World Bank for the health sector
in Brazil between 2003 and 2014. A documentary
analysis was conducted on projects financed by
the World Bank for the Brazilian health sector
in the three government spheres, categorized
according to content analysis. Of the 174 projects
financed in the country, 31 contemplated the
health sector in their composition, with 64.53%
of these being signed with the state governments.
Most of the health projects were signed in the
second Lula government and the main structuring
themes were: Human Development and Gender,
Public Sector Management and Private Sector
Development. The strategic displacement of the
World Bank, which approached the state and
municipal governments, was evident since the
second administration of the Lula government.
This movement denoted the World Bank’s ability
to identify global changes in progress, especially
regarding the geopolitical and economic scenario.
The results show that the World Bank increased
its interest in the Brazilian health sector and that
the proposals contributed to boost the principles
of state reform in the country


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How to Cite

Lazarini, W. S. ., Sodré, F., Sarti, T. D., & Andrade, M. A. C. (2021). Health policies in Brazil: an analysis of projects financed by the World Bank during the Lula and Dilma governments. Saúde E Sociedade, 30(1).