SOUZA, Denner Henrique Isaias; ALMEIDA, Nivea Aparecida de; DOMINGUES, Mara Luiza de Paiva; BALDONI, André de Oliveira; COUTO , Nayara Ragi Baldoni; RIOS, Danyelle Romana Alves. Analysis of the quality of scientific evidence on efficacy and safety in the package leaflets of direct oral anticoagulants marketed in Brazil. Medicina (Ribeirao Preto), Ribeirão Preto, Brasil, v. 56, n. 2, p. e-196548, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2176-7262.rmrp.2023.196548. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.