Unveiling barriers to Industry 5.0adoption in supply chains:a DEMATEL approach
Barriers, Organizational barriers, Industry 5.0, Regulatory barriers, DEMATEL, Sustainable supply chain practices, Technological barriers, Economic barriersAbstract
PurposeThe objective of this research is to investigate the barriers impacting the integration of Industry 5.0 (I5.0) in supply chain sustainability. By understanding these challenges, this study aims to provide valuable insights that can guide organizations in successfully implementing the transformative potential of I5.0. The ultimate aim is to improve operational efficiency and advocate for sustainable practices within supply chains.
Design/methodology/approachResearch has used industry expert interviews, a comprehensive literature review and the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory approach for analysis. Industry expert interviews serve to capture first-hand insights from professionals well versed in the field, providing practical perspectives on the barriers to I5.0 adoption.
FindingsThis study identifies technological challenges, organizational barriers, regulatory impediments and economic constraints as pivotal factors inhibiting the widespread adoption of I5.0 in supply chain sustainability.
Research limitations/implicationsThis research serves as a foundation for future investigations into overcoming barriers to I5.0 adoption, guiding scholars and practitioners in refining strategies for successful implementation.
Practical implicationsThe findings offer practical insights for organizations aiming to adopt I5.0, informing decision-makers on key challenges and facilitating the development of targeted strategies to overcome them.
Social implicationsThe social implications lie in fostering sustainable business practices through the adoption of I5.0, contributing to environmental responsibility and societal well-being.
Originality/valueThis research contributes original insights from practitioners, policymakers and researchers in navigating the complex landscape of I5.0 adoption, ensuring meaningful contributions to both academia and industry.
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