Recuperation of urban streams at Barra Funda district as a contribution to the sustainable mobility


  • Brigitte Langreney
  • Regina Quartim Barbosa Rioli



Stream Recovery, Sustainable Project, Urban Mobility


The intense and growing process of cities urbanization, due to the increase of cars, already shows clear signs of decay in our civilization and the issue of sustainable urban mobility begins to gain space and value in the planning of cities. The idea to recuperate the streams at Barra Funda District in São Paulo, seizing its revitalized banks for sustainable mobility, is the objective of this research. Walking, running and cycling are activities that include sustainable mobility. Besides the social, environmental and economic concerns, which form the tripod of sustainability, there must have a new vision of the world with another look on the urban occupation. The restoration of urban streams provides a new vision of the site, a worldwide trend nowadays, when sustainable urban planning is focused.


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Author Biographies

  • Brigitte Langreney

    Arquiteta e urbanista, graduada pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado - FAAP

  • Regina Quartim Barbosa Rioli

    Arquiteta e urbanista, graduada pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo – Febasp



How to Cite

Recuperation of urban streams at Barra Funda district as a contribution to the sustainable mobility. (2012). Revista LABVERDE, 5, 118-140.