28S rRNA molecule post processing occurs in two species of planarians (Girardia tigrina and Girardia sp.) possibly due to a gap deletion
Gap region; , ribosomal RNA;, secondary structure.Resumo
Several studies have shown atypical migration of the 28S rRNA molecule, when exposed to heat denaturation dissociates into two subunits (28Sα and 28Sβ), this event is due to a ‘gap deletion’ in the molecule. In the majority of the organisms that present the gap region, rRNA degradation has been correlated to a UA-rich conserved segment, located inside a loop of the secondary structure predicted for this region of the 28S rRNA, and upstream of a conserved 5´-CGAAAGGG-3´motif. We showed that this event, the atypical 28S rRNA molecule migration, occurs in planarians Girardia tigrina and Girardia sp.. The presence of these conserved motifs in the 28S rRNA molecule of Girardia tigrina was confirmed. The UA-rich segment was absent. The 5´-CGAAAGGG-3´ motif was present, indicating that the dissociation 28S rRNA is independent of the UA-rich signal. We propose the existence of a putative secondary structure for the D7a segment of the 28S rRNA molecule, and suggest that the atypical RNA profile observed may occur across the Girardia genus.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bárbara Rosa Penha, Matheus Salgado de Oliveira, Karla Andressa Ruiz Lopes, Flavia Villaça Morais, Nádia Maria Rodrigues de Campos Velho

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