Antropônimos na língua turca: a dinâmica na escolha de prenomes e sobrenomes na Turquia pós-república
Antroponimia, Turkish language, Arabic languageResumo
This paper aims at examining the changes in naming processes brought about by the advent of the republic in Turkey in 1923, which has seen drastic changes in several aspects of social, cultural and linguistic spheres. Along with the creation of a policy of
purification of the language from foreign influences, which was part of a series of reforms promulgated by Atatürk to bring the country closer to the West, the Soyadt Kanunu (1934-6) "Surname Law" was enacted, which hada great impact on the choice of given names and surnames. From an inventory of mostly Arabic names, which by no means have ceased to exist, there came an increase in the choice of words of Turkish stock.
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