As ferramentas usadas para a formação neológica na língua árabe: a terminografia das línguas de especialidade como objeto de estudo
Terminology, Arabic, NeologismResumo
The expansion of the Arabic language to beyond its historical borders followed the Islamic territorial conquest. The contact with the pockets of Hellenic culture, revealed a terminological vacuum in the lexicon of those Bedouins from the Arabian Peninsula,
as there was no technical vocabulary to express the notions already consecrated in the languages of the conquered cultures. The same situation is repeated in the "recent" technological invasion from the western world which led to the uncontrollable formation of neologisms, and the subsequent creation of the Language Academies in the different Arab nations to regulate the incorporation of new terms to the lexicon. The Arabic language reacted in different ways to the foreign concepts brought in by these new ideas and concepts. Their addition to the lexicon was done through the tools explored in this article: ichtiqãq/ morphologic derivation, /majaz/ semantic broadening, /ta'rib/borrowing (literally "arabization"), and /naht/ compounding.
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