Effect of processing on nutritional value of the mandim fish (Arius spixii)


  • Fabiana Rodrigues de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Giselda Macena Lira Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição
  • Rosana Aparecida Manólio Soares Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição
  • Simone Mendonça Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição
  • Kelly Walkyria Barros da Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Sarah Janaína Gurgel Bechtinger Simon Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Tatiana Maria Palmeira dos Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Cyro Rego Cabral Junior Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Faculdade de Nutrição




Fish^i2^snutritional va, Fish^i2^sprocess, Fish^i2^scentesimal composit, Chloride^i2^sdetermination in f, Fatty acids^i2^sdetermination in f, Cholesterol oxides^i2^sdetermination in f


In an attempt to analyze how processing enhances the nutritional value of the mandim fish (Arius spixii) marketed in Maceió-AL, Brazil, the following nutritional components were determined in fresh and processed (salted-dried) fish: centesimal composition, calorie count, chloride, fatty acid and cholesterol profile. The presence of cholesterol oxides was also investigated. Respective results for fresh and processed mandim fish were: moisture (70.13% and 40.31%), proteins (51.73% and 38.07%, dried), carbohyrdrates (4.67% and 2.24%, dried), calories (486 kcal/100g and 367 kcal/100g, dried), fatty acids (polyunsaturared 14,54% and 15,49%, ômega-3 8,51% and 6,51%), cholesterol (82.66 mg/100g and 61.30 mg/100g) and oxides (7-ketocholesterol 8.31 µg/g and 17.90 µg/g). These figures clearly showed that processing led to significant change in the nutritional value of the mandim fish.


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How to Cite

Effect of processing on nutritional value of the mandim fish (Arius spixii). (2008). Revista Brasileira De Ciências Farmacêuticas, 44(4), 655-667. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1516-93322008000400012