Book review: Theoretical problems of the integral state in Latin America. Forces in tension and crisis




State, Civil society, Latin America, Hegemony


Theoretical problems of the integral State in Latin America, a volume coordinated by Dr. Lucio Oliver Costilla, presents various analyzes regarding the relations between the State and civil society in Latin America and the disputes between projects and social forces, fundamentally in the first two decades of the XXI century. This in the context of the hegemonic crisis of national competition states and neoliberalism. Hegemony, the integral State and civil society are the central conceptual axes that guide the elaborations that make up the book, but there are also concrete and historical problems that define the character of each social context. In the same way, potential veins of reflection for the social sciences are exposed, based on the dialogue between the analysis of particular situations and classical Latin American critical theory. Together, these analyzes also express the active role of intellectuals as subjects of the dispute for the common senses of society.



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Author Biography

  • Nicolás Laguna Quiroga, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Sociólogo por la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (Bolivia), maestrando del Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Laguna Quiroga, N. (2022). Book review: Theoretical problems of the integral state in Latin America. Forces in tension and crisis. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 21(44), 318-333.