Aspects of syrian migration in Argentina: analysis according to Eva Gugenberger's theoretical-analytical model for the linguistics of migration




Eva Gugenberger, Linguistics of migration, Syrian migration, Argentina


This article approaches the theoretical-analytical model for the linguistics of migration proposed by Eva Gugenberger, in line with the last Syrian migration that occurred in Argentina between the years 2011-2020. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate that this model can be applied to different migratory flows and not be relegated only to Galician migration in Argentina (which the author initially studies), providing relevant data on the culture studied. Legal instruments such as: Law 25871 and the so-called Syrian Program are used for this research, which allow a better understanding of the way in which Syrian migrants are socially inserted in our country. This article aims not only to provide a view from migratory studies, but also to put it in dialogue with sociolinguistics. Regarding the methodology used, we must point out that it is qualitative and descriptive in scope, focused on the analysis of national regulatory frameworks, special assistance programs for Syrian migrants, etc. Likewise, articles and books specialized in the area studied are used. Finally, among the most outstanding results is that the model proposed by Gugenberger can indeed be applied to other migratory processes other than the one she initially studied.


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Author Biography

  • Carolina Y. Andrada-Zurita, Universidad Nacional del Sur

    Estudiante de maestría en Estudios Culturales por la Universidad de Rosario (UNR), Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) y Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Siglo 21 (UES21), Argentina. E-mail: 


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How to Cite

Andrada-Zurita, C. Y. (2022). Aspects of syrian migration in Argentina: analysis according to Eva Gugenberger’s theoretical-analytical model for the linguistics of migration. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 21(42), 111-128.