Pandemic, inequity and neoliberal social protection: Chile, a paradigmatic case




COVID-19, Social policy, Social protection, Neoliberalism, Inequality


The present study aims to analyze the social protection policies that were put in place in Chile to face the COVID-19 pandemic within a liberal welfare framework. Social protection policies have been strongly stressed by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have had to face serious problems of unemployment and decreased family income. The nature of the measures arranged for the emergency situation depends on the welfare structure that the countries have built.   Chile is a paradigmatic case of a neoliberal regime. Decisions to combat socio-economic impacts have maintained a subsidiary character with a strong predominance of the private sector in tandem with targeted coverage where the State's attention has been focused especially on the most vulnerable population. The characteristics of the distribution of social benefits have not achieved higher levels of equity and social cohesion but, on the contrary, they are moving away from the possibility of providing universal benefits by not incorporating redistributive and solidarity components in social security. The continuity in the neoliberal welfare structure leads us to propose that social policies, especially those linked to social protection, have widened the great inequality gaps in the population.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Farías Antognini, Universidad Católica de Chile

    PhD in Political Sciences by the Catholic University of Chile. Email:

  • Maria Paz Trebilcock, Universidad Católica de Chile

    PhD in Sociology by the Catholic University of Chile. Adjunct researcher at therograma Iniciativa Milenio. Email:


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How to Cite

Antognini, A. F. ., & Trebilcock, M. P. . (2021). Pandemic, inequity and neoliberal social protection: Chile, a paradigmatic case. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(40), 189-209.