China's space base in Neuquén, Argentina




Latin America, Argentina, China, Space base, Soft power


This article intends to characterize the approximation of the People's Republic of China to Latin American countries, especially Argentina, in view of the building a spatial base in the province of Neuquén. It also aims to demonstrate factors that lead to this approximation, since China was responsible for assisting the Argentine economy at a time when it was going through a serious credibility crisis. For this, The approach adopted is the narrative of facts, complemented with data drawn up by joint documents and also, facts that were extracted from scientific articles and recent reports, addressing the way in which China reverberates soft power and begins to exert influence in the region. It is also consistent with the Chinese spirit of cooperation and analyzes how the agreements and commitments assumed occur practice. The conclusions of the analyzed documents show that the Chinese will to promote aid to countries like Argentina can make a stage of prosperity viable. Provided that countries pay due attention, since Chinese expansion is proving to be vigorous and, therefore, impossible to be followed for nations that do not have the necessary infrastructure, which would lead them to depend more and more on Chinese benefits.


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Author Biography

  • Rogério Nascimento Carvalho, Universidade de São Paulo. Programa de Pós-graduação Interunidades de Integração da América Latina (PROLAM)

    Doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação Interunidades de Integração da América Latina (PROLAM) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Mestre em Estratégia Marítima pela Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN), Pesquisador no Grupo sobre Genocídios e Conflitos Armados da Universidade Federal de São Paulo –  Câmpus Osasco. Professor universitário e advogado. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Carvalho, R. N. (2021). China’s space base in Neuquén, Argentina. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(39), 391-413.