Paulo Freire in Argentina and his legacies in popular education




Paulo ​​Freire, Argentina, Educación popular education, Political, Cultural


Historicizing the term popular education allows us to fully understand the meaning that education acquired in Argentina. In order to deepen this debate, I propose to deconstruct and criticize the senses of popular education to demonstrate how in the tradition that Paulo Freire inaugurated in 1963 in Angicos we can find its potential and its transforming character. In summary, the line of analysis criticizes the idea of popular education at the beginning of the constitution of the Argentine Nation State (19th century), from an approach that intertwines what is descriptive and that remains in the traditions with a process through which some things are preferred and dethrone others. The focus is on the Freireian tradition, how it places the oppressed subject at the center of the educational scene, and the relationship between the cultural and the political. The intention is to observe in the experiences of popular education in Argentina the debates that enabled actions resistant to the coloniality of power-knowledge present in education as was the Campaign for the Reactivation of Adult Education for Reconstruction (1974-1976), and then carry out an analysis of the present of popular education in Argentina.



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Author Biography

  • Inés María Fernández Mouján, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

    Dr. Fernández Mouján, University of Buenos Aires. Associate Professor and researcher at the National University of Río Negro, Argentina. In the context of critical Latin American thinking and history of ideas, he investigates the work of Paulo Freire and the influence of Frantz Fanon on Freirean thinking. It is part of national and international networks on these topics related to the studies of colonial (s). He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, directs undergraduate and graduate thesis; publishes books and articles in national and international academic journals. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of Academic Magazines, Academic Committee and Coordinator of the Paulo Freire Open Chair (National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina), of the Paulo Freire Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil). It integrates the Center for Environmental Studies of NorPatagonia (National University of Río Negro, Argentina), and Center for Research and Studies in Postcolonial Theory (National University of Rosario, Argentina). Some of his published works are: 2016. Praise by Paulo Freire, 2014. Contemporary problems in Philosophy of Education. Articles: 2018. “The idea of ​​liberation in Paulo Freire Knowledge and practices. Journal of Philosophy and Education. 2018. “From the term decolonization and its pedagogical drifts”, Paedagogica Historica, Journal of History Education. 2017. Dossier Magazine Studies Dislocations and interruptions: decolonial pedagogies. 2014 “Desolonial looks in education”, Interstitios Magazine of politics and culture. 2013 “The pedagogy of liberation: one more form of resistance and cultural intervention”, Fronteiras da Educação Magazine. Recife, Brazil. 2011. "The lines of the writing of Paulo Freire", Magazine Tabula Rasa, Bogotá. 2010. "The Fanonian trail in the pedagogy of liberation," Pilquen Magazine. 2010. “In education: the marks of coloniality and liberation,” RESAFE Magazine, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Fernández Mouján, I. M. (2019). Paulo Freire in Argentina and his legacies in popular education. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 18(35), 77-97.