Displaced Architectures


  • Jacques Rancière Universidade de Paris VIII




Aesthetic, Architecture, Landscaping, Painting, Movement


In 2019, Jacques Rancière presented “Architectures Deplacées”, at the Société Française des Architectes, Paris. Our work consists of the translation of this lecture and the introductory paper, themes of his recent conferences on architecture. Among the proposed ethical, poetic and aesthetic dislocations, Rancière elucidates intrinsic issues of architecture in relation to landscape. In this context, the movement
also refers to the destabilization of the finality of architecture, the search for perfection, aiming at the construction of free worlds. According to Rancière, when architecture leaves its stronghold, it causes more effective changes. Just as he observes that painting is the source of an “architecture to see”, relevant to landscaping, the architecture rescued from its authoritarian functionality becomes the support of a movement of the imagination. Starting from modern architectures – to see or imaginary – from the same escape of the look and imagination, it points to a third way of construction and movement. No longer the elevation to the inaccessible sky, nor the infinite horizontal displacement, but the confrontation of imperfection, in which the criticism of the architectural will is allied to the criticism of the world order


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Author Biography

  • Jacques Rancière, Universidade de Paris VIII

    Professor Emérito


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How to Cite

Rancière, J. (2022). Displaced Architectures. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 29(55), e194845. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-2762.posfauusp.2022.194845