Embody Moema: the female body in the time-space of (re) production of Brazil as a Colony





Moema, Female body, Modern Era


Moema is an iconic character in the epic poem “Caramuru” written by José de Santa Rita Durão in 1781. This body that transforms itself continuously in many artistic manifestations, whether in literature, in historical narratives or in its manifestations in painting and sculpture during nineteenth century, has traces of the theme of Indianism, as well as of death in water, romantic death and the theme of the female nude. All of them are related with issues that concern aspects of the brutal process of (re) production of Brazil as a colony. Corporear Moema is an invitation to think about the female body and dynamics proper to the transition to the Modern Era. The critical analysis brings a rereading of the character to debate the role of the female  body in the transition to capitalist society.


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Dossiê: Estudos decoloniais na arquitetura, no urbanismo, no design e na arte

How to Cite

Santos, I. d' A. (2021). Embody Moema: the female body in the time-space of (re) production of Brazil as a Colony. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 28(52), e176939. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-2762.psrevprogramapsgradarquiturbanfauusp.2021.176939