Transition between internal and external areas of buildings with free ground in São Paulo and New York




Galleries, Porches, Transition spaces, São Paulo, New York


The article compares urban legislation and its spatialization in
buildings with free ground, in São Paulo, Brazil and New York, USA, during the same period. In São Paulo, from 1930, with the Prestes Maia Avenues Plan, road works boosted real estate production in the new city center, constructing buildings with galleries or joint buildings (multifunctional programs), which favored commercial use of the free ground. The Municipal legislation provided this architectural solution as a counterpart for buildings verticalization. Afterwards, this model spread
to the areas of the Paulista and Faria Lima avenues. In New York, from 1960, mainly in Downtown and Midtown, the local legislation encouraged the construction of Privately OwnedPublic-Spaces. These were transition areas between public and private spaces, initially as open areas named plazas or covered areas named arcades. The comparison shows that in New York, there is a considerable amount of these spaces that do not articulate with urban road works. In São Paulo, on the other hand, road works were used to produce passages and galleries. In both cases, the benefits to the permeability and connectivity of the urban fabric are relevant.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Elena Salvi, Universidade Paulista. Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    General Coordinator of Architecture and Urbanism Courses and Superior Technology Courses in Interior Design at Universidade Paulista. Professor and researcher in Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism, Art History and Aesthetics at Universidade Paulista and Universidade Católica de Santos (1987/1993 and 1994/2020). She was a professor of Aesthetics in the Music and Philosophy Courses at the Catholic University of Santos. Participated in the project for the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Catholic University of Santos (2015 to 2020). PhD Professor, Master and Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP.

  • Ricardo de Almeida, Universidade Paulista. Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Head of the RDA Arquitetura e Serviços office since 2011. Implementation Coordinator for the construction of the Atlântico Sul Shipyard and Planning Analyst for 12 Oil tankers and Petrobrás / Transpetro Platform P-55 in the port of Suape-PE, from 2008 to 2011. Worked as Project Coordinator at Construtora Camargo Corrêa in 2008 - Directorate of Energy, Works Locks of Tucuruí-PA. Trainee and project architect at Aflalo & Gasperini Arquitetos from 2001 to 2007. Professor of the Technical Course on Buildings in Recife from 2012 to 2016. He participated in the team of Arq and Urb Ruben Otero awarded in third place by the CODHAB Project for urban center in Ceilândia- DF in 2018. IAB SP Award - 2019, first place for the same project and team. Master's student of the Professional Master's Program at IPT-Institute of Technological Research, Department of Housing. Scientific Initiation Project in 2003: Paulistana Architecture in the 1940s and 1950s - Identity, Coexistence and Permanence. Architect and Urbanist in 2005 from Universidade Paulista - UNIP.


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How to Cite

Salvi, A. E., Carriço, J. M., & Almeida, R. de. (2021). Transition between internal and external areas of buildings with free ground in São Paulo and New York. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 28(52), e176121.